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minefields can be created via lay mines or lay web mines mission on any ship with torpedo tubes by converting the torpedos onboard into spacemines and laying them in space as a hazard to enemy shipping activities. hitting a spacemine within a mineifeld can damage and or destroy any vessels that pass within them. minefields can be swept away via the sweep mines mission and eliminated by any ship armed with beam weapons. colonials can sweep mines using their onboard fighters on board at a greater range than beam weapons, with greater effects.

Laying minefields

Selecting your ships mission "Lay Mines" will convert your onboard torpedoes into spacemines, and propel them into space around your starships co-ordinates.

Normal Space Mines

  • Mines Laid = # torps * (torp position)^2

Crystaline Web Mines

  • Mines Laid = # torps * (torp position)^2

Minefield Size Formula

  • Mine Field Radius = sqrt(# mines)

sweeping minefields

Standard Minefield Sweeping

all starships with beam weapons can sweep minefields. the amount swept will depend on the number of and the power of your starships beamweapons. to perform this mission select minesweep from your starships mission menu. your ship must be within the minefields radius to effectively sweep with beam weapons.

Colonial Fighter Minefield Sweeping

The Colonials can use fighters to sweep for mines. Each fighter can destroy 20 mines per turn from a range of 100 lyrs away. If the ship doing the mine sweeping has beam weapons and is within the minefield radius then the ship will also use the beam weapons to destroy mines simultaneously.
The mine sweeping fighters can travel 100 light years from the carrier when on a mine sweeping mission. to perform colonial fighter minesweep missions simply select minesweep from the starships mission menu.

sweeping with beam formulas

  • Mines Swept = # beams * (beam position)^2 * minesweeprate

sweeping with colonial fighters formula

20spacemines*Fighterson carrier=mineswept

damage from hitting minefields

detecting minefields