Planets.Nu API
On December 21, 2011, Planets.Nu opened up an API for developers.
Public API
The public API calls consist of:
- Login - Use this to acquire the apikey of a given player.
- List Games - List the games on the Planets Nu platform in various ways
- Load Game Info - Load the publicly available data about a single game
- Load Turn Data - Load a single players complete turn package
API calls return a JSON dictionary. In the event of an API call failure, the following dictionary will be returned:
{"success":false,"error":"This is the error message."}
on occasion, instead of a JSON dictionary the following text is returned:
Error: Error Description Here
The login API returns an API key which can be used along with a username for subsequent API calls.
The login command is an HTTP GET to with the following values passed on the connection string:
variable | description | Required | Default Value |
username | account username | YES | n/a |
password | account password | YES | n/a |
The response is a JSON dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
success | Indicates if the call was successful (true or false) |
apikey | The API key used in other requests. An API key is formatted as: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where any x is a hexadecimal value.
settings | The current player's settings object |
The API key is used for subsequent API calls for the given account. This is the API Key of the account and will only change if the user changes their account password.
List Games
The list games API returns detailed information about all games on the Planets Nu website or for an individual player. This API is a public API and does not require authentication.
The list games command is a GET call to
The following variables are all optional:
variable | description | Required | Default Value |
status | Current status of games to return, with multiple values joined by commas. Possible values are: 1 : Joining 2 : Running 3 : Finished 4 : Hold |
NO | 1,2 |
type | The type of games to return, with multiple values joined by commas. Possible values are: 1 : Training 2 : Standard 3 : Team 4 : Melee 5 : Blitz |
NO | 2,3,4 |
scope | Current scope of games to return, with multiple values joined by commas. Possible values are: 0 : Public 1 : Custom (private games) |
NO | 0 |
ids | IDs of games to return, comma separated | NO | n/a |
username | Username of the account to list games. Will list all games for this user regardless of other settings | NO | n/a |
limit | The maximum number of records to return. A value of 0 (zero) will return all records. | NO | 0 |
Each game record will be returned in a JSON array of game objects:
[{game 1},{game 2},{game 3}]
Load Game Info
The Load Game Info API returns all the publicly available information about a game including its historical game records.
The load game info command is a GET call to with the following values passed on the connection string:
variable | description | Required | Default Value |
gameid | The of the game being loaded | YES | n/a |
On success, the following JSON dictionary is returned:
key | value |
game | A game object dictionary |
players | An array of player object dictionaries |
relations | An array of relation object dictionaries |
schedule | A text description of the host schedule |
settings | A game settings object dictionary |
timetohost | A text description of the time until the next scheduled host |
wincondition | A text description of the condition required to win the game |
yearfrom | The Planets.NU year that the game began |
yearto | The Planets.NU year the game ended |
Load Turn Data
The load turn API returns all the data for a single complete turn given a game id and player id. This API requires the api key from Login as authentication when loading a turn for a game in progress.
The load turn command is a GET call to
The following variables may be passed as arguments in the connection string:
variable | description | Required | Default Value |
apikey | The api key from the login API call. Only required for turns in active games | NO | n/a |
forsave | Indicates if the client intends to make a call to the save data APIs | NO | false |
gameid | The game ID for which to request the turn | YES | n/a |
playerid | The player to request a turn for. In an active game this value must match the player for the supplied api key, otherwise an error will be returned |
NO | n/a |
turn | The turn to request | NO | The latest turn |
The response is a JSON dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
success | Indicates if the call was successful (true or false) |
accountsettings | A player settings object for the player whose turn was fetched |
ispremium | Indicates if the player is/was a registered subscriber when the turn was generated |
rst | A result object which contains the bulk of the turn information |
savekey | A unique, dynamically generated key for saving data back to the API. If forsave was false, this value is empty |
Turn Result Object
The turn result object returned by Load Turn is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
settings | A game settings object for the current game |
game | A game object for the current game |
player | A player object for the player the turn data belongs to |
players | An array of player objects for all players in the current turn |
scores | An array of score objects for all players in the current turn |
maps | A url to a pre-rendered image of the game map for the given player for the current turn |
planets | An array of planet objects for the game |
ships | An array of ship objects representing the ships controlled by the given player for the current turn |
ionstorms | An array of ion storm objects for the storms currently active in the cluster |
nebulas | An array of nebula objects |
stars | An array of star objects |
starbases | An array of starbase objects for the starbases under the control of the given player |
stock | An array of stock item objects of the loose parts the player has at their starbases |
minefields | An array of minefield objects for all minefields known to the player |
relations | An array of relation objects for all diplomatic relations as of the current turn |
messages | An array of message objects representing the system messages (reports) for the current turn |
mymessages | An array of message objects representing the diplomatic messages sent and received for the player of the current game |
notes | An array of note objects for notes attached to planets, starbases and ships |
vcrs | An array of visual combat recording objects for any combat known to the player for the current turn |
races | An array of race objects representing all races participating in the current game |
hulls | An array of hull objects for the attributes of every hull possible for the current game |
racehulls | An array of the hull IDs available to the current player's race |
beams | An array of beam objects for the attributes of every beam weapon possible for the current game |
engines | An array of engine objects for the attributes of every engine possible for the current game |
torpedos | An array of torpedo objects for the attributes of every torpedo possible for the current game |
Non-Public API
In addition to the publicly documented API, there are several calls available from reading the actual game code. The maintainers of Planets.Nu have stated that any API endpoint is safe to use.
Any data sent over the non-public API is expected to be encoded to prevent & and = characters from getting mangled by the connection string.
(ampersand) characters are to be replaced with|||
(3 pipe characters)=
(equals) characters are to be replaced with:::
(3 colon characters)
Send Message
The Send Message API allows users to send in-game messages to other players in the current game.
The send message command is a GET call to with the following values passed on the connection string:
variable | description | Required | Default Value |
gameid | The of the game in which to send the message | YES | n/a |
playerid | The player who is sending the message | YES | n/a |
apikey | The api key of the player sending the message | YES | n/a |
to | A comma separated list of all recipients of the message | YES | n/a |
body | The body of the message to be sent | YES | n/a |
Common Data Objects
The following objects are used or returned by the API calls:
Beam Object
The beam object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
cost | The amount of megacredits required to build the beam weapon |
crewkill | The number of crew the beam will kill if the shields of the target ship are down |
damage | The damage that the particular beam will do to the hull or shield of a ship |
duranium | The amount of duranium required to build the beam weapon |
id | The beam ID referenced by other objects, such as the Ship Object |
mass | The mass of the beam weapon when constructed |
molybdenum | The amount of molybdenum required to build the beam weapon |
name | The name of the beam weapon |
techlevel | The tech level required at the starbase to build the beam weapon |
tritanium | The amount of tritanium required to build the beam weapon |
Engine Object
The engine object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
cost | The amount of megacredits required to build the engine |
duranium | The amount of duranium required to build the engine |
id | The engine ID referenced by other objects, such as the Ship Object |
molybdenum | The amount of molybdenum required to build the engine |
name | The name of the engine |
techlevel | The tech level required at the starbase to build the engine |
tritanium | The amount of tritanium required to build the engine |
warp1 | |
warp2 | |
warp3 | |
warp4 | |
warp5 | |
warp6 | |
warp7 | |
warp8 | |
warp9 |
Game Object
The game object returned by List Games or Load Game Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
allturnsin | Indicates if all turns have been submitted |
createdby | |
datecreated | The date the game was created |
dateended | The date the game ended |
deletedate | The date the game was deleted |
description | The text description of the game |
difficulty | |
faststart | |
gametype | |
hostdays | The days of the week the host will run in the format SMTWTFS. An underscore will replace days the host will not run. eg. _M___F_ indicates the host will run on mondays and fridays |
hosttime | The scheduled time of day for the host to run on scheduled host days |
id | The ID of the game |
ishosting | |
isprivate | |
lastbackuppath | |
lastloadeddate | |
lastnotified | |
maptype | |
masterplanetid | |
maxlevelid | The maximum level for captains to participate in the game |
name | The name of the game / system |
nexthost | The datetime of the next scheduled host run |
quadrant | |
requiredlevelid | The required level for captains to participate in the game |
scenarioid | |
shortdescription | |
slots | The number of player slots available in the game |
slowhostdays | |
status | |
turn | The current game turn |
turnsperweek | The number of scheduled turns per week |
turnstatus | A set of characters indicating which players have submitted their turns. An underscore indicates the turn is not yet viewed. |
tutorialid | |
wincondition | |
yearstarted |
Game Settings Object
The game settings object returned by Load Game Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
allowchunneltowdropbug | |
averagedensitypercent | |
buildqueueplanetid | |
campaignmode | |
cloakfail | |
closeplanets | |
deadradius | |
debrisdiskpercent | |
developmentfactor | |
discussionid | |
duraniumlevel | |
fixedstartpositions | |
hideraceselection | |
hostcompleted | |
hoststart | |
hwdistribution | |
id | |
killrace | |
mapheight | The height of the map in pixels / lightyears. The upper limit is 4000 |
mapshape | |
mapwidth | The width of the map in pixels / lightyears. The upper limit is 4000 |
maxallies | The maximum number of allies a player can have in the current game |
maxioncloudsperstorm | |
maxions | |
militaryscorepercent | |
molybdenumlevel | |
name | The name of the current game |
nativeprobability | |
ncircles | |
ndebrisdiscs | |
nebulas | |
neutroniumlevel | |
nexthost | |
nuionstorms | |
numplanets | The number of planets in the game |
planetscanrange | |
playerselectrace | |
roundmap | |
runningstart | |
shipscanrange | |
showallexplosions | |
stars | |
structuredecayrate | |
teamsize | |
tritaniumlevel | |
turn | The current game turn |
uniqueraces | |
verycloseplanets | |
victorycountdown |
Hull Object
The hull object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
advantage | |
beams | The maximum number of beams that can be added to the hull |
cancloak | A boolean value indicating if the hull includes a cloaking device |
cargo | The amount of cargo space available in the constructed hull |
cost | The amount of megacredits required to build the hull |
crew | The maximum crew capacity in the constructed hull |
description | |
dur | |
duranium | The amount of duranium required to build the hull |
engines | The amount of engines required by the hull when building a ship |
fighterbays | The number of fighter bays in the constructed hull |
fueltank | The maximum fuel capacity in the constructed hull |
id | The hull ID referenced by other objects, such as the Ship Object |
isbase | |
launchers | The maximum number of torpedo launchers that can be added to the hull |
mass | The mass of the constructed hull |
mc | |
mol | |
molybdenum | The amount of molybdenum required to build the hull |
name | The name of the hull |
parentid | |
special | The text description of the special abilities available to the constructed hull |
techlevel | The tech level required at the starbase to build the hull |
tri | |
tritanium | The amount of tritanium required to build the hull |
Ion Storm Object
The ion storm object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
heading | |
id | The ID of the Ion Storm |
isgrowing | A boolean value indicating if the ion storm is growing (strengthening) |
radius | The radius of the ion storm in light years |
voltage | The current voltage (strength) of the ion storm |
warp | The speed at which the ion storm is travelling |
x | The x coordinate of the ion storm's current position |
y | The y coordinate of the ion storm's current position |
Message Object
The message object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
body | The body of the message. May contain HTML line breaks |
headline | The title of the message |
id | The ID of the message |
messagetype | The type of message. |
ownerid | The recipient of the message |
target | The ID of the subject of the message based on the context (Ship, Planet, etc) or the sender in the case of a diplomatic message |
turn | The game turn in which the message was received |
x | The x coordinate of the event described, may only be useful in certain contexts |
y | The y coordinate of the event described, may only be useful in certain contexts |
Message Types
The message types indicated by the messagetype field in the message object are as follows:
- 0: Outbound
- 1 : System
- 2 : Terraforming
- 3 : Minelaying
- 4 : Mine Sweep
- 5 : Colony
- 6 : Combat
- 7 : Fleet
- 8 : Ship
- 9 : Enemy Distress Call
- 10 : Explosion
- 11 : Starbase
- 12 : Web Mines
- 13 : Meteors
- 14 : Sensor Sweep
- 15 : Bio Scan
- 16 : DistressCall
- 17 : Player
- 18 : Diplomacy
- 19 : MineScan
- 20 : Dark Sense
- 21 : Hiss
Minefield Object
The minefield object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
friendlycode | The friendly code to safely pass through the minefield, if known |
id | The ID of the minefield |
infoturn | The turn the minefield information was last updated |
isweb | A boolean value indicating if the minefield is a web mine |
ownerid | The player ID that owns the minefield |
radius | The last known radius of the minefield |
units | |
x | The x coordinate of the center of the minefield |
y | The y coordinate of the center of the minefield |
Nebula Object
The nebula object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
n/a | This is a stub, please fill this out |
Note Object
The note object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
body | The text body of the note |
color | The hexadecimal color of the noted entity on the map |
id | The ID of the note |
ownerid | The player ID that created the note |
targetid | The ID of the entity the note belongs to |
targettype | The type of entity the note belongs to |
If anyone has a clear list of what targettype IDs are possible, please add it here
Planet Object
The planet object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
buildingstarbase | A boolean value indicating if the planet is currently building a starbase |
builtdefense | The number of defense posts being built this turn |
builtfactories | The number of factories being built this turn |
builtmines | The number of mines being build this turn |
checkduranium | |
checkmegacredits | |
checkmolybdenum | |
checkneutronium | |
checksupplies | |
checktritanium | |
clans | The number of clans populating the planet |
colchange | |
colhappychange | The increase or decrease of happiness points on the planet this turn |
colonisthappypoints | The current happiness level of the colonists on the planet |
colonisttaxrate | The current tax rate (from 1 to 100) |
debrisdisk | |
defense | The total number of defense posts on the planet |
densityduranium | |
densitymolybdenum | |
densityneutronium | |
densitytritanium | |
duranium | The amount of duranium sitting on the surface of the planet |
factories | The total number of factories on the planet |
flag | |
friendlycode | The planet's friendly code |
groundduranium | |
groundmolybdenum | |
groundneutronium | |
groundtritanium | |
id | The ID of the planet |
img | A url to the image of the planet |
infoturn | The turn in which the information of this planet was last updated |
megacredits | The megacredits available on the planet |
mines | The total number of mines on the planet |
molybdenum | The amount of molybdenum sitting on the surface of the planet |
name | The name of the planet |
nativechange | |
nativeclans | The number of clans of natives populating the planet |
nativegovernment | The ID representing the government type of the native life on the planet |
nativegovernmentname | The text name of the government type of the native life on the planet |
nativehappychange | The increase or decrease in happy points for the native life on the planet this turn |
nativehappypoints | The overall happiness points for the native life on the planet this turn |
nativeracename | The text name of the native race populating the planet |
nativetaxrate | The current tax rate (from 1 to 100) for the native race on the planet |
nativetaxvalue | |
nativetype | The ID representing the race of native life on the planet |
neutronium | The amount of neutronium sitting on the surface of the planet |
ownerid | The player ID currently in control of the planet |
readystatus | |
supplies | The amount of supplies sitting on the surface of the planet |
suppliessold | The number of supplies converted to megacredits on the planet this turn |
targetdefense | The target value for defense posts in the auto-build queue |
targetfactories | The target value for factories in the auto-build queue |
targetmines | The target value for mines in the auto-build queue |
temp | The temperature on the planet (from 0-100) or -1 if unknown |
totalduranium | |
totalmolybdenum | |
totalneutronium | |
totaltritanium | |
tritanium | The amount of tritanium sitting on the surface of the planet |
x | The x coordinate of the planet in space |
y | The y coordinate of the planet in space |
Player Object
The player object returned by Load Game Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
activeadvantages | |
activehulls | The hulls (by ID) allowed for use by the player |
finishrank | |
id | The ID of the player for the current game |
isregistered | Indicates if the player is registered (paid subscription) |
levelhullid | |
levelid | |
planets | The number of planets the player controls in the current game |
prioritypoints | The number of priority points the player has at their disposal |
raceid | The race ID of the player in the current game |
savekey | |
score | The score object for the player in the current game |
ships | The number of ships (war ships and freighters) the player currently controls |
starbases | The number of starbases the player controls in the current game |
status | |
statusturn | |
teamid | |
turnjoined | The turn at which the player joined the current game |
turnready | Indicates if the players turn is ready (finished) |
turnsmissed | |
turnstatus | |
username | The Planets.NU username of the player |
Player Settings Object
The player settings object returned by Login and Load Turn is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
allymines | A hex RGB color code for allied minefields |
allyplanetfrom | |
allyplanetto | |
allyshipfrom | |
allyshipto | |
assistanton | |
battletaskid | |
battletutorialid | |
enemymines | A hex RGB color code for enemy minefields |
enemyplanetfrom | |
enemyplanetto | |
enemyshipfrom | |
enemyshipto | |
id | |
infoplanetfrom | |
infoplanetto | |
ionstorms | A hex RGB color code for ion storms |
musicon | |
mymines | A hex RGB color code for the current player's minefields |
myplanetfrom | |
myplanetto | |
myshipfrom | |
myshipto | |
soundon | |
unknownplanetfrom | |
unknownplanetto | |
webmines | A hex RGB color code for webmines |
Race Object
The race object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
adjective | The adjective used to describe the race's ships and planets |
advantages | |
baseadvantages | |
basehulls | The base set of hulls (by Hull ID) available to the race |
hulls | |
id | The race ID |
name | The full name of the race |
shortname | The shorter version of the race name |
Relation Object
The relation object returned by Load Game Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
color | |
conflictlevel | |
id | |
playerid | |
playertoid | |
relationfrom | |
relationto |
Score Object
The score object is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
capitalships | |
dateadded | |
freighters | |
id | |
inventoryscore | |
militaryscore | |
ownerid | |
percent | |
planets | |
prioritypoints | |
starbases | |
turn |
Ship Object
The ship object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
ammo | The number of Torpedos or Fighters present on the ship |
bays | The number of fighter bays on the ship |
beamid | The type of beam weapons installed on the ship. This corresponds to an entry in the beam object array |
beams | The number of installed beam weapons on the ship |
clans | The number of clans in the ship's cargo hold |
crew | The number of active crew members aboard the ship |
damage | The amount of damage sustained on the ship |
duranium | The amount of duranium in the ship's cargo hold |
enemy | The primary enemy assigned to the ship |
engineid | The type of engine installed on the ship |
experience | The experience of the crew on the ship |
friendlycode | The friendly code assigned to the ship |
heading | |
history | An array of (x,y) coordinates (as a dictionary) indicating the previous positions of the ship |
hullid | The hull used in the ship |
id | The ID of the ship |
infoturn | The last turn the information about the ship was updated |
iscloaked | A boolean value indicating if the ship is cloaked or not |
mass | The total mass of the ship including all cargo |
megacredits | The amount of megacredits on board the ship |
mission | The current mission being performed on the ship |
mission1target | |
mission2target | |
molybdenum | The amount of molybdenum in the ship's cargo hold |
name | The name of the ship |
neutronium | The amount of neutronium (fuel) in the ship's fuel tank |
ownerid | The player ID of the owner of the ship |
readystatus | |
supplies | The amount of supplies in the ship's cargo hold |
targetx | The x coordinate of the flight path target for the ship |
targety | The y coordinate of the flight path target for the ship |
torpedoid | The ID of the torpedo launchers installed in the ship |
torps | The number of torpedo launchers installed in the ship |
transferammo | |
transferclans | |
transferduranium | |
transfermegacredits | |
transfermolybdenum | |
transferneutronium | |
transfersupplies | |
transfertargetid | |
transfertargettype | |
transfertritanium | |
tritanium | The amount of tritanium in the ship's cargo hold |
turn | |
turnkilled | |
warp | The current warp speed of the ship |
waypoints | |
x | The x coordinate of the ship's current position in space |
y | The y coordinate of the ship's current position in space |
Star Object
The star object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
n/a | This is a stub, please fill this out |
Starbase Object
The starbase object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
beamtechlevel | The tech level for beam weapons on the starbase |
beamtechup | The level raised of the beam tech in the current turn |
buildbeamcount | |
buildbeamid | |
buildengineid | |
buildhullid | |
buildtorpcount | |
buildtorpedoid | |
builtdefense | The number of starbase defense points added this turn |
builtfighters | The number of fighters built this turn |
damage | The current damage level of the starbase |
defense | The total defense points on the starbase |
enginetechlevel | The tech level for engines on the starbase |
enginetechup | The level raised of the engine tech in the current turn |
fighters | The number of fighters currently on the starbase |
hulltechlevel | The tech level for hulls on the starbase |
hulltechup | The level raised of the hull tech in the current turn |
id | The ID of the starbase |
infoturn | The last turn the information on this starbase was updated |
isbuilding | |
mission | |
planetid | The planet this starbase belongs to |
raceid | |
readystatus | |
shipmission | |
starbasetype | |
targetshipid | The ship targeted by the current mission (if applicable) |
torptechlevel | The tech level for torpedos on the starbase |
torptechup | The level raised of the torpedo tech in the current turn |
Stock Item Object
The stock item object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
amount | The quantity of the stock item on the starbase |
builtamount | |
id | The ID of the stock item |
starbaseid | The ID of the starbase that the stock item belongs to |
stockid | The ID of the type of item in stock (looked up in the table corresponding to stocktype) |
stocktype | The type of item in stock |
Torpedo Object
The torpedo object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
crewkill | The number of crew the torpedo will kill if the shields of the target ship are down |
damage | The damage that the particular torpedo will do to the hull or shield of a ship |
duranium | The amount of duranium required to build the torpedo |
id | The torpedo ID referenced by other objects, such as the Ship Object |
launchercost | The amount of megacredits required to build the torpedo launcher |
mass | The mass of the torpedo when constructed |
molybdenum | The amount of molybdenum required to build the torpedo |
name | The name of the torpedo |
techlevel | The tech level required at the starbase to build the torpedo laucher and ammo |
torpedocost | The amount of megacredits required to build the torpedo ammo |
tritanium | The amount of tritanium required to build the torpedo |
VCR Object
The vcr (visual combat recording) object returned by Load Turn Info is a dictionary with the following keys:
key | value |
n/a | This is a stub, please fill this out |